Privacy policy

The DOIE occasionally collects information from members/users and their interactions with DOI services.
The DOIE's policy for personally identifiable information is to:
a) minimize its collection;
b) to discard or anonymize it as soon as is practical;
c) to secure and protect any personally identifiable information that is collected or retained;
d) to prohibit its use for commercial purposes; and
e) to advocate for, but not guarantee, similar protection by vendors and partners to whose services and content we may direct users.
The DOIE discloses personally identifiable information when required by search warrant or if there is a substantiated reason to believe that violations of law or of privacy policies have taken place; or when failure to act might result in significant bodily harm or significant property loss. All personally identifiable information connected to an individual's use of DOI services is considered confidential. This information includes, but is not limited to, address and other registration information, informational questions asked, and searches, displays, and downloads of content managed by the DOIE.
The DOIE examines and may disclose various forms of non-personally identifiable information (e.g. aggregated usage statistics) when there is a business reason or agreement to do so.
This policy applies to all services offered by the DOI. It may be reviewed and revised from time to time (in which case former versions will be made available). Questions about the policy and the practices that support it may be directed to

Protecting your personal information and privacy is important to the DOIE.

With regard to the DOIE web site:
DOIE only collect the various data and personal information that you voluntarily provide and will only use that information with respect to your request or otherwise for the purposes for which you submit it. We will disclose all the personal information to the public place only if required by law and to other outside parties only if we have first obtained your permission. We have implemented safeguards to protect any information collected from any other sources.

Linking to the DOIE Site

If you link to the DOIE site, DOIE requests that your link be presented in a manner that does not create the impression that the DOIE is making an express or implied endorsement of any good or service provided on your web site, and that the link is presented in a manner that clearly indicates that the user is leaving one site and accessing another. Thank you for visiting the DOIE Web site.

Return and Refund Policy

Thank you for choosing Digital Online Identifier Engine (DOIE) as a doie number generator for your article/object.
If, for any reason, You are not completely satisfied with a purchase We invite You to review our policy on refunds and returns.
The following terms are applicable for any credit plan that You purchased with Us.

Your Order Cancellation Rights

You are entitled to cancel Your Order within 5 days without giving any reason for doing so.
The deadline for cancelling an Order is 5 days from the date on which You order your service.
In order to exercise Your right of cancellation, You must inform Us of your decision by means of a clear statement. You can inform us of your decision by:

  • By email:

We will reimburse You no later than 14 days from the day on which We receive refund request. We will use the same means of payment as You used for the Order, and You will not incur any fees for such reimbursement.

Changes to Payment and Refund Policy

We reserve the right to change this payment, refunds policy terms and conditions at any time. Any such changes will take effect when posted on the website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us:

  • By email: